July 14, 2010

Travel Enterprise…Mind Clear

July 12, 2010

Today came and my determination to dive into my work left my mind clear of the daily stress. Laughter filled my heart and smiling exercised my soul. Thinking back, it seems like a lifetime ago that I had a day that left me feeling completely liberated.

My mind fires at a fast rate and a sense of pride warmed me as I was quickly handled several tasks at once. My concentration is that of a gift as I can focus on various duties and maintain great efficiency as well as accuracy.

Days like this leave me feeling like a success. I feel as though I am something of value and that I will be something of importance to this world. Proud is not an emotion that flows much lately. My daily interpretation of failure does bring resistance to my self-worth, but this day marks a day of triumph.

Accomplishments are not always what someone else perceives as an achievement, but what one feels deep inside as a positive attainment. At times we, as a society, allow the pressure of the fantasy successes to drive our efforts. This can bring a loss of sight to what will really bring us all inner peace.

Folding my hands tonight I pray my appreciation for this day of light heartedness. I thank God for the laughter that has lifted my spirits and the hours of connected love within.

Much needed day…Internal liberty


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