August 8, 2010

Absence Necessary…Rest Warranted

August 6, 2010

Monday marked a day of breaking for me. As my body relayed a message to me that something has to give, I was forced to think about what I carry everyday and what adjustments I can do to bring relief from some of this stress. The overwhelming pressure has slowly surfaced some physical effects. I struggle each day with my entire list of duties on top of the whirlwind of stress brought on by this entire experience. I took the week to adjust my routine and spend more time resting. My recovery this week included a break from my writings. My absence was very much necessary and I am doing much better now.

Taking care of my body hasn’t been of top priority, but I haven’t totally lacked effort for myself either. I do struggle with time as the minutes tick and I am left with a thousand things to do and no more time in my day to get them done. I can’t let this be an excuse to allow opportunity for this overwhelming stress to deteriorate my body. I have to provide proper nutrition to fuel myself for my extensive realm of responsibilities as well as give myself time to get in some exercise to aid in my physical stamina. The time is necessary to take for myself and now it is required.

Through out the week I ventured through so many racing thoughts. I thought about my life, my internal emotions, and what my future could hold. My days are so chaotic that I just crash normally, but taking the time to rest this week left me crying myself to sleep 4 of the 5 nights. I thought these days of overwhelming emotion had left me, but I realized that I am constantly going 100 miles an hour so I simply don’t have the time to always decipher the true value what I am feeling. I think that is how I started to manage my emotions by flying right on past them. Again, I am striving for a well-rounded health and that will include taking the time to express myself fully.

I was privileged to have a particular presence throughout the week. Assistance with some household chores and the sense of care for me was much appreciated. The moment of kneeling down next to me as I struggled brought a warm sense of tranquility as someone was reaching out to help me. I was honored to have these arms embrace me with hope.

My focus from this day forward is a healthy routine for myself and my children. Their habits after all will come from the examples of mine. Their building blocks will develop through their childhood from the direction of where Momma goes. Together we will form the healthy tendencies of success. Stress management is a priority right now and I hope to soon put many things behind me. Stepping forward towards a door of endless opportunities and bright future, that is where I am headed.

Health and Happiness…Correlated and Connected


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