September 15, 2010

Not Tonight

I am not going to be writing to night. I am not sure if I will even write anymore. Today has been more than I need right now. Additional events stacked on top of this vault of already established difficulty from Monday, I just have nothing. I want nothing, I feel lonely and scared, I am truly just lost. I don’t enjoy this and again struggle with not being able to provide understanding to just what it is to go through this and how it affects you. I have this doubt about myself that is worse then before. It has been one of the worse days to date and I feel like I am in a million pieces that don’t fit together.

I found this quote…

“Remember that everyone you meet is afraid of something, loves something, and has lost something” ~Author Unknown~

There is no right or wrong way to heal. There is not the ability to “just fix” this or flip a switch that allows this pain to dissolve without residual reoccurrences. Everyone’s time line and process to heal is different. Understanding may not be accomplished which leads one to protect themselves from the anticipated reactions that are received repeatedly and leaving the option of shutting down or shutting people out a desired option. Support and love is the only thing necessary

Unsure if I will be back…


1 comment:

  1. Please dont give up! Your stronger than that! Peek at my blog, I'm not going to give up! God put us both here for a reason. He didnt make us to pity our selves. With him, we can get thur anything! Keep bloging and remember you are a SURVIVER!
