July 20, 2010

Miles from Home…Rustic Get-a-Way

July 17, 2010

I packed our bags this morning with the great adventure of camping in mind. Lately I have been feeling the grasp of depression try and take over my essence and I just cannot let that affect my children or the voyages that can fuel their imaginations. I want to give each of my precious gifts a childhood of memorable moments and experiences of treasure.

As we pulled out of the driveway my darling trio all gazed up to me as I peered back through the rearview mirror. My heart warmed. I turned and promised them a weekend which would mark the quest of love and imagination, “Are you ready?” Each one of them smiled and we were on our way.

The drive was long as each little head bowed with a relaxed position as they drifted into sleep. At this time I reflected my emotions within. I felt independent as I was driving towards territory I have never traveled in before. I felt proud as I was giving positive experiences to my children. I felt empowered as I was not letting depression capture my ability to live.

The day was filled with playful banter and an abundance of giggling. A picnic supper and scenic walk brought tranquility to my heart. I could see the enjoyment through each set of eyes and I know that someday all the efforts I put in will have a genuine sense of appreciation from each one my kids. The sparkle as they took in the entire experience was precious and this weekend I will cherish as it was our first camping expedition.

At the end of the day we piled some logs and roasted a few marshmallows on the campfire. The gooey warmth and delicious taste of an old fashion s’more just tickled Chloe. I remember what it was like to be that little girl biting into a gold mine for my taste buds. The light in my daughter’s eyes as she was embraced with the purity of happiness was touching. She loves life and life loves her.

These are the days I need…the motivation and belief in my capability to surviving, to leading a life of happiness. As I zipped the tent I smiled. The adventure with my children is a blessing I thank God for.

Climbing inspirations…Life lived


1 comment:

  1. These are the treasured memories that will always be with your children way after your gone. What a blessed mother you are. Thank you for sharing!
